



To create a global community practicing and sharing Kundalini Yoga

and Meditation with integrity, inclusivity, and transparency.




To enhance lives globally through Kundalini Yoga and Meditation

and provide opportunities for professional development

for trainers and teachers.




• Inclusivity and Transparency •

We foster a culture where individuals of all backgrounds,

identities, and experiences are embraced. 


• Authenticity and Respect and Transparency •

We are committed to authenticity, respect and transparency

in communication and relationships.


• Deep Listening and Empathy •

We strive to understand, remember, and communicate through empathy and deep listening, appreciating the power

and depth of the spoken word.


• Relevance and Evolution •

We are dedicated to staying relevant in today's world by applying ancient teachings to meet and serve contemporary times.


• Compassion and Connection •

We strive to build connections and act with compassion to create

and maintain a supportive community where openness and vulnerability are valued and creativity thrives.

• Collaboration •

We strive to create a collaborative environment in which all can grow personally and professionally, and collectively and individually.


• Individual Empowerment •

We support and empower each individual’s journey towards self-mastery, honoring their passion and their path.







Structural Overview

Click below to view our introductory PowerPoint pdf file

"Kundalini Network is a global platform for Kundalini Yoga"





After viewing the PowerPoint presentation above please contribute

your opinion by completing the brief survey link at the end or below
Your Response


Après avoir visionné la présentation PowerPoint ci-dessus, veuillez donner votre avis en remplissant le bref lien du sondage ci-dessous
Votre réponse


Después de ver la presentación de PowerPoint anterior, contribuya con su opinión completando el breve enlace de la encuesta a continuación
Su respuesta


Nachdem Sie sich die obige PowerPoint-Präsentation angesehen haben, geben Sie bitte Ihre Meinung ab, indem Sie den Link zur kurzen Umfrage am Ende oder unten ausfüllen

Deine Antwort




 Why are we proposing this now?

Since 2020 there has been a schism in the 3HO community that grew up around Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. We make no judgement here as to the rights or wrongs of the positions adopted or about the historical facts. The actions in 2024 of that communities governing SSSCorp Board, particularly in respect to the KRI Board and the Aquarian Trainer Academy, led us to conclude that, under such factional leadership, many more will feel disenfranchised and a formerly broad community will remain fractured.


Our alternative is a new kind of association; a network of equals, without a history of hierarchy, where individuals support and encourage each other to grow collectively.




Joining the

Kundalini Network


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Receive information about Kundalini Network updates by email.

Thank you


 Some Questions and Answers

We will be posting answers here to the most common questions people have been asking us.






 Who are we?


Collectively we are defined by the words above,

together in the space we choose to share;

individually some of us are known as:


A list of networkers and countries will be added below (permission requested at first contact)


